Discussion Post: Copy, Paste, Repeat – Or How Many Places Do You Post Your Reviews?

Posted June 27, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in / 21 Comments

I’m a bit late this month with my 4th discussion post, as I just got too busy to get it done.  Wow, this summer is not slowing down from the school year!  Anyway, the 2016 Discussion Challenge is hosted by Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight. My first one was all about if teens are really as dumb as we think, and
will expect what happens in books to be real life.  My second one was
about giving ratings in your reviews.  My third one was about reviewing different age levels of books on the same blog.  You can go read my thoughts and then share what you think on those three HERE, HERE, and HERE.  This month I want to find out just where everyone posts their reviews.

I’ve always done on my blog for sure.  For awhile I would post the reviews on Goodreads and then use the html from that to put the review over on my blog too.  For the most part I do my full reviews still here on my blog.  But sometimes an author, especially the independently published ones, ask for you to also post your review on other sites like Amazon or Goodreads.  When they ask me to, I always do.  Of course since I work for Barnes and Noble, I then go post the review there as well, because I feel like I have to.  I just do.

But I always wonder if it is too repetitive to just copy and paste the exact same review straight from my blog.  Should I just post part of it and link back to my blog to drive the traffic back here?  I often do that on Goodreads. But I don’t think I can do that on either Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  Plus, my blog reviews don’t have really creative titles, but on Amazon it seems like you want your review title to be catchy so you get people to read the review.  And since on my blog my review almost always contains my own little personal synopsis of the story, do I need to do that on Amazon?  Or should I just put only the opinion parts of my review?


Since I’ve been reading so many more indie authors as free e-books lately, I feel like I need to make sure I not only review on my blog, but back on Amazon too.  But I don’t always get it done, because so many of my reviews are scheduled in advance now that I am a bit behind on reviews.

So, my discussion today is really because I need your input and opinions on what you do, and how important you feel this topic is.  Please, please chime in below and help me figure this out!

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21 responses to “Discussion Post: Copy, Paste, Repeat – Or How Many Places Do You Post Your Reviews?

  1. I used Ultimate Book Blogger with an add on that automatically posts my review to Goodreads. I don't usually post to Amazon because my reviews usually are too rambly for there. I also keep my blog fairly private so I don't want to but links to the blog under my personal Amazon account.

    • Never heard of Ultimate Book Blogger, is it a website? I'll have to go check it out. I don't know that I've linked my Amazon posts to my blog, not sure I can do that on there, but you have a good point! Thanks so much for chiming in!

    • Um, oops – somehow I posted my reply to this in the wrong spot at first! (Thus the deleted comment).

      What I TRIED to say, is – UBB is a WordPress plugin, so unfortunately it wouldn't work for you, Lisa. It's great for WP users, though!

      Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    • I wish I had the desire to switch to WordPress. I know I'm missing out on a lot of cool things. But for now, Blogger's ease of use works perfectly for me.

  2. I usually post the same review onto my blog, amazon and goodreads alike. I feel not everyone hunts for reviews using the same platform and at the end of the day, reviews are usually used to help people make informed decisions before they buy (and hopefully help out the authors sales too) So I try to share my reviews wherever possible.

    Although I too am interested to see where others post their reviews. Great topic – thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. I place my reviews in several places — Amazon; Goodreads; BookLikes; and LibraryThing. Then I also post links to it on Facebook and Twitter. There's a few other places that are not quite as well known. 🙂
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal – Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  4. I always post on my blog, Goodreads, and Amazon in that order. Sometimes Barnes & Noble but not all the time. The only place I link back to my blog is on Goodreads. For Amazon, I don't like to link back. When I cross-post reviews, I don't care about pushing traffic back to my blog. Basically, I cross post for authors–I review for authors because it helps them the most, especially indie authors as you mentioned.

    Jess @ POB!

    • Yeah, Goodreads is most often the second place I post a review. I don't think I will do any linking back on Amazon or Barnes and Noble probably. Like you say, those sites are probably more for the authors than to get traffic for my blog. Thanks for your input!

  5. I review the books on my blogs, of course, but when it comes to other places? It just depends. I've been keeping track of all the books I read this year on Goodreads so sometimes I post a full review (but rarely). Normally, I'll just rate it or write a little thought if I have something to say right away. Other than that, I only post on Amazon (usually) if an author/publisher asks me. I understand the need and I feel like I should do it more often, but it just takes way too much time.


    • I keep track of all my books read on Goodreads no matter what. But it's just that I don't always go put a full review, usually just a rating. Like you I usually only do Amazon when requested. And also like you, I wish I had more time. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and joining in the discussion!

  6. If I will be giving a book a low rating, then I just post a short review on both Amazon & Goodreads.

    If I like the book, then I:
    –Do a full review with the publisher's summary and bonus material (if I can get it) on my blog.
    –Post the full review, without the summary or bonus material, on Goodreads with a link to my blog at the top.
    –Post the Goodreads review without the link on Amazon, and on Audible or Downpour if I got the book from them.

    My Most Recent Discussion: Hasn't Killed Me Yet: Living with Chronic TBR Overflow

    • Sounds like you've got it all figured out and a good system! Thanks so much for joining in, you've definitely given me some ideas on my topic! Thanks for stopping by and I'm headed over to check out your post!

  7. I post on my blog and on Goodreads pretty much immediately (and I link to my blog on Goodreads). I always post to Amazon too, but sometimes that doesn't get done quite as quickly because I just don't get around to it immediately – or sometimes I can't post it yet because the book's not published. In those cases I label it "Needs Amazon Review" on Goodreads so I remember to go back and do it.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  8. I post my reviews on my blog and on GR (on GR I add some pics and gifs too).
    If I got a book from the publisher or author, then I will post my review on Amazon and Amazon UK, but I will post on B&N only if the publisher/author asks me.
    If I purchased the book or borrowed it from a friend or from library, I'll post only on GR and blog, but on Amazon I'll post only if I feel like it.

  9. I always post my reviews on Goodreads and on my blog. As for Amazon, I only post it there if 1.) the author is self-pub (I feel like I need to give them a boost since they rarely have sources) 2.) if the author requested for it

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