Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
It is a way for us to share the new books we have collected. This is actually going to cover the last two weeks, as last weekend I took a much needed day off from blogging. I’m not including this with my normal Sunday Post, as tomorrow I’ll be doing an end of the month post instead. So, without further ado, here are the books that joined my library over the past two weeks.
Books purchased:
- I haven’t started the After series by Anna Todd, but it sounds like it could be my kind of read, other than how huge the books are! But anyway, the first two were available on the bargain table at the Barnes and Noble where I work, or one was there, and I ordered the other in as a bargain one, $5.98 each, can’t beat that as they’re like $15 normally, and I even got my employee discount of 30% off the bargain price!
- I work at a school library, but the book I Work at a Public Library has a lot of things that remind me of the library a little, but a lot of times of things at the bookstore as well.
- I got Pure by Jennifer L. Armentrout from the bookstore where I work. I’m slowly ordering each of her books, one by one, because I know I’m going to love every single one! So about once a month I order one into my bookstore for my discount. Now on the bottom of the pile you’ll notice Sentinal, same series as Pure. I found that at Half Price Books, so I grabbed it, because of course 50% off is better than my 30% off employee discount.
- The other two in the pile, Wake by Amanda Hocking, and The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan, are from Half Price Books as well. I have decided to go there more now that I have a few authors to try to catch up on their books. Like JLA, and now Anna Todd as well. I’ve already read the whole Wake series, but I don’t know if I own them all or not. If I find I already actually had this one, I’ll just donate it to the school library where I work.
Books won:
The first two I won from author Cynthia Leitich Smith on her blog, Cynsations. Now, you only see one copy of Shade Me by Jennifer Brown, but I actually ended up with two free finished copies this week! One I won from the author herself. The other I got for participating in the blog tour through Irish Banana Tours. The second copy went to my school library, I’ll be the first one in the district to have it available for my students! You can read the post that I did for the book HERE.
Physical ARCs:
The first one I got from another awesome and successful book trade! The other one I found when I walked into work at the bookstore one day and it was sitting out for employees to take if they wanted. I was so excited that I was the first one there to see it! Cannot wait to read it!!
Yay for some awesome sounding books and good book deals. I read The Demon's Lexicon when it came out and I LOVED it, but I never read the other two. so yeah, I need to re-read that one and continue with the rest!
I'd not read Brennan's books until her Unspoken series, but always have thought I needed to go back and read the others. It was exciting to find this one at the Half Price Books! Thanks for stopping by!
Wow, great books you have there, I want to read The Shadow Queen and Kingdom of Ashes, and Congrats on your wins!!Enjoy!
So excited for all of these! Kinda wish for a bunch of snow days so I can just sit and read! Thanks for visiting!
I was excited when I saw the dinosaur covers but I see it's aimed at younger kids. There never seem to be enough gory dinosaur adventures out there! Enjoy your books!
They are, but I'm still excited for them. You'll have to wait and check back for my reviews and see if they're anything at all you might give a try. Thanks for stopping by!
I'm so jealous of the Greg Smith books. They look so cool! Enjoy them 🙂
Sugar & Snark – Latest haul
I'm so excited to read them! HOping they're as good as they sound. Thanks for visiting!
Great haul! One of the first things I noticed was how large the books are for the After series by Anna Todd. It may take you a bit longer, but I hope you enjoy them. 🙂
@dino0726 from
FictionZeal – Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews
I'm hoping that maybe they're really easy reads since they're so big. 🙂 The words in them aren't any smaller than a normal adult book though. Thanks for stopping by!
Wow that's some amazing books you got this week! I'm a huge Gena Showalter fan!!! So jealous for Firstlife. I hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading 🙂
Sofia @ SofiaLovesReading
Some really great ones for sure! So excited to read Firstlife, it was so cool to walk in and just find it at the bookstore. Thanks for visiting!
I can't wait for Gifted! It sounds so good. I also have a copy of Firstlife. Happy reading!
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
Both are ones I'm so excited for! Can't wait to get to them. Thanks for stopping by!
Great deal on your books! I think I would be in a LOT of trouble with a 30% bookstore discount. LOL The After book are huge but they are such fast reads. I had a total love/hate relationship with them and I still finished each book in a matter of a few days. 🙂
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
If I ever am able to afford to quit working a 2nd job, my TBR piles may actually start getting a dent in them. Glad to hear the After books are quick reads. They seem like they would be. Thanks for visiting!
Those are really nice books, can't wait for you review on the Shadow Queen
I can't wait to read it! I've got it on my TBR pile, can't decide to read it or Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan next! Thanks for stopping by!
Yes for The Shadow Queen! Hope you like it and can't wait to hear what you think.
I chose to pick up Reign of Shadows next. Hoping to get through it quickly, because I'm hoping it will be that kind of read, and then get on to The Shadow Queen! Thanks for visiting!