Cover Characteristic: Moon

Posted January 19, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in / 12 Comments

The Cover Characteristic meme is hosted at  Sugar and Snark.   Here are the guidelines:

week we will post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite covers
with that characteristic. If you want to join in and share your 5
favorite covers with the weeks particular characteristic, then just make
a post, grab the meme picture (or make your own) and leave your URL in
Linky (so we can visit).

don’t even need to participate, just stopping by and saying hi would be
great! Don’t forget to stop by the other participants!

I found a lot of covers with moons, but not as many with the moon big in the background as I thought.  Again some of them are in a series where the moon is on all of them, so those I’ll group together.  And once again I’ll be sharing 10 covers.

10.  I think this is the moon, otherwise I’d have it higher, but I’m not quite sure.



7.  I don’t remember the actual cover being this blurry, but this was the image on Goodreads.




2.  Actually I found that this author, Robert McCammon had a lot of books with moons on the cover, but my first thought with this characteristic was his The Night Boat.
1.  And my favorite is a series with the moon big on every book, because it is really major part of the story.
So, those are my picks. What do you think of them?  What other books with moons can you think of?

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12 responses to “Cover Characteristic: Moon

  1. I like Earth and Sky a lot. Uninvited isn't bad, I like a crescent moon when you can see the whole thing at the same time if that makes sense. Arianna's Destiny is nice, but I think Winter Moon is my fave. i like looking up through tangled branches on a cool night and that's what it reminds me of, so yeah.

    Life As We Knew It I obviously like 🙂 but I didn't know there were four of them.

    • I know what you mean about the crescent moon, I always like that as well. I do always love when there is a view through the branches of a tree. Thanks for returning the visit!

    • Life As We Knew It is a really good book, as well as its sequel, The Dead and the Gone. The third book wasn't bad, but I wasn't a fan of the last one. Thanks for stopping by!

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