Books to Movies Giveaway Hop 2015

Posted October 7, 2015 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway / 67 Comments

First, thanks to Bookhounds and I Am a Reader, Not a Writer for hosting this hop.  I think this is a good one to do because most of the time, the book is better than the movie, or tv show.  I am going to let you choose any book that has been made into a movie or tv show, as long as it is under $15 and that the Book Depository will ship to whatever country you live in.  So fill out my Rafflecopter below, and then jump through the Linky to the other great giveaways!

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67 responses to “Books to Movies Giveaway Hop 2015

  1. I can't decide yet. There are many to think about. Thank you for being part of this Hop and giving us the chance to win.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  2. I'd choose Harry Potter #3 (new Bloomsbury edition *.*). Maybe. Unfortunately the new Illustrated Harry Potter Book i suuuuuper expensive πŸ˜€

  3. To be honest I'm not sure…there are so many!! However I don't know if this counts, but Throne of glass has been optioned for TV so if that counts I would get crown of midnight? if that doesn't count I'm sorry…

  4. The Martian has been getting great reviews and I've never read it. Or maybe Big Stone Gap–I read it so long ago and now there's finally a movie releasing!

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