September is for Sequels Giveaway Hop

Posted August 31, 2015 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway / 51 Comments

Here we go, another September, another Sequels Challenge and Giveaway Hop!  You can click on the link in the sentence before if you want to join into the challenge. It’s really simple, and there is even a prize associated with that for
people who participate.  This hop started because of the challenge that I
started 4 years ago.  The goal is to catch up on those sequels that
often get set on the TBR pile due to
all the new books for review that bloggers get to read.  My goal was to try to get as
many of those read in September as possible.  So along with that theme,
this is a giveaway where you can win a sequel in any series you want
from The Book Depository,
and it is international as long as they deliver to your country.
 Because this is a sequels hop, you cannot pick the first book in a
series, but any one from the 2nd on to whatever number that series is on
now!  It does need to stay below $20 though.

Once you’ve entered my Rafflecopter below, be sure to hop on along to
the other blogs in the link-up below to see what other awesome prizes are available.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



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51 responses to “September is for Sequels Giveaway Hop

  1. I'd choose Library of Souls: The Third Novel of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. I loved the first two so am really looking forward to reading this next one 🙂

  2. I wish I could enter but Book Depository has removed my Country from the list, Ahh! I miss the good 'ol days when India was on the list 🙂
    Anyways thank you for organising this amazing giveaway! 😀 :-*

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