Sunday Post #30 and Stacking the Shelves June 14th, 2015

Posted June 15, 2015 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway, Stacking the Shelves, Sunday Post / 22 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s
a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog,
showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is
coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: 
Sunday Post Meme

Last week on the blog:

I got a lot done this week in reading, but I also had two books that I DNFed.  One because it was too hard to read the ebook format, and the other because I just didn’t find it very good.  Too formulaic and just not anything I thought I could finish reading.  I have really gotten into listening to audio books in my car and when I’m walking my 3 miles at the park.  Loving the book I’m listening to right now!  With the one audio review from last week, I got three reviews in which passed my goal of two a week.  I also had more than one post a day, but not too many more since I don’t like to post more than once a day for the most part.  I also decided to join in this month to the June New Release Giveaway Hop, so make sure you click on the link above and go enter to win any June new release for up to $17 from The Book Depository.

This week on the blog:

  • Review:  Fallen by Lauren Kate
  • Review:  Landry Park by Bethany Hagen
  • Waiting on Wednesday
  • Blog Tour:  Dancing to an Irish Reel by Claire Fullerton
  • Maybe Top 10 Tuesday or Cover Characteristic
  • Possible Reviews:  The Messenger of Fear by Michael Grant, Wildalone by Krassi Zourkova, or audio review of Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

I don’t have a ton of egalleys to read the next couple of weeks, so while I will work on getting ahead on them, I will also feel like I can pick up some of the actual physical books that I have been not getting to because of those egalleys.  Of course on Saturday I’ll be starting the summer COYER challenge, so will be going back and reading some of those free or really cheap ebooks, or egalleys I didn’t get to and haven’t expired yet.  I got 15 miles walked last week!  Walked every morning of the week. This week I am going to try to do the same.  While it’s not quite the 20 miles a week I want, I don’t want to bump up to 4 miles a day just yet.  Want to keep getting my body used to at least the 3 miles a day, 5 days a week.  

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
 It is a way for us to share the new books we have collected.  I was soooo good this week! At least with the physical books.  Only one, and it was a stripped cover from the bookstore where I work:



It was funny, I had just finished my Sunday post last week, and when I went back to check my emails I had been approved for Lair of Dreams.  I’m so excited!  I’d really like to just have the physical ARC, to match the ARC I have of the first book, but for now I’ll be happy with the egalley.  The other one, Catacomb, is from Edelweiss.  I just need to read the second book in the series first.

Free ebooks:


The first one I had seen before, but now it was free. And I like dinosaurs, so yeah.  The second one, not sure if I’ll like as the author has never grabbed my attention before. But, it’s got a cupcake on the cover, and it was free, and sounded like it might be good, so I got it!  

So, not too bad.  Although with starting the COYER challenge this week, I should probably start being more picky about getting any ebooks that aren’t ones I know I really, really want to read.

What did you add to your shelves this week? 

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22 responses to “Sunday Post #30 and Stacking the Shelves June 14th, 2015

  1. I really want to read The Merciless. It sounds really creepy. I wasn't sure about requesting Catacomb because of how the eARC may have been formatted. I wasn't sure it would work well. I DNFd Messenger of Fear. It was not at all what I was expecting. Every character was awful and then a dog got involved and I almost became physically I'll from what I read (I honestly wish I could unread it). I didn't really care what happened to any of the people in the book at that point. Enjoy your new books and good luck catching up with old ones. Happy reading!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    • I read the first book, Asylum, as an egalley and it wasn't too bad. Didn't get the second one as an egalley though, so that was disappointing. I'm kind of feeling that way about Messenger of Fear as well, and that makes me sad because I love Michael Grant! And I got to meet him when I got that book. The dog part made me so sad as well. I was crying. I'm going to try to give it a read through as I feel like they're trying to point out that karma is going to get these bad people, but I'm not sure. We'll see. It's pretty short it seems, so I'll probably finish it.

  2. I'm just really sensitive when it comes to animals getting hurt (or worse) in books. This time it was particularly horrible. That was a deal breaker. I hope the rest is better for you.

    • I almost stopped there. But since it wasn't done as a good thing, and the people got punished for it, I kept going. Just finished it this afternoon. Not my favorite book.

  3. So sorry about the DNFs! I have yet to DNF (it's sheer willpower at this point), but it makes me sad to see that the book wasn't good enough to finish! Life is too short though. I hope you enjoy your new books – and your next read!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a lovely week 🙂

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    • I just have too many books out there to read to keep reading something I am not enjoying and having to force myself to read. Thanks for returning the visit!

    • Well, glad to hear that you liked one of her books. That will make me feel better about having downloaded this one. Even when they're free, I hate to waste time or space on a book I don't like. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Enjoy all your reading, I always try to alternated ebook and physical book if I can, usually works out. Love my Kindle but a physical book I can't go too long without!

    • I used to do that, but then got kind of behind on my egalleys so I was trying to get those read. But I have a physical book up in my bedroom and also to read in bubble baths at all times!

  5. Amy

    Hi Lisa,
    Great post! It sounds like a very busy week reading wise, looks like you got a lot done! I hope you enjoy the new books!
    Have a great week,
    Amy x

  6. You got Catacomb! I haven't started this series but I'm BEYOND intrigued and I want it. I got held back in buying it due to a bunch of negative reviews but I really want to give it a try. I hope you enjoy the third book 🙂

  7. Oh, you got some great books there! I keep going back and forth about Merciless, and I really should get around to reading The Diviners series! Hope you enjoy all of these (and don't have to DNF any more!) and have a wonderful week!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    • Well, I got Merciless for free, so it was an easy decision. You definitely need to get to The Diviners series. I loved the first book. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. You had a great reading week and well done on the walking! I liked Between the Lines but didn't love it but I think I'll read Off the Page at some point. I normally post 2 reviews a week but I was a bit slack last week so now I'm behind lol. Have a great week and happy reading 🙂

    • Sometimes we have those weeks! I've been good, and usually summer is a good reading time for me since I don't have to work every day. Thanks for visiting!

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