First thanks to Delacorte Press and Edelweiss for allowing me to read an egalley of this title. But then when an actual ARC showed up at the bookstore where I work, I grabbed it. And I’m glad I did, because I loved this book. Sophie Kinsella’s first foray into YA is a huge success in my opinion. Only issues I had were the same ones I have with her adult books, and they’re not bad things, just some products or foods that are British, and as an American I had to Google them to make sure they were what I thought they were. But Kinsella has definitely brought her wonderful sense of humor with the characters and the way they interact. Witty dialogue, hilarious parents and the way their teen son deals with them, so realistic, yet hilarious. I was laughing out loud so many times as reading this, in restaurants and the break room at work as well.
The main character is Audrey, as the title suggests. Something happened to Audrey at school this past year. Something that caused her to develop such a severe case of social anxiety that she can’t even look people in the eyes. We know it has something to do with some kind of bullying. But that is one thing that Audrey has learned from her psychologist, you can keep some things private. So, Audrey hasn’t really left the house, other than maybe their own yard. She hasn’t gone back to school, and she wears sunglasses all the time. When people come to the house, even the mailman, she has to run to her own room or the den where she can shut the door and not see them.
All this kind of starts changing when two things happen. First, Audrey’s psychologist wants her to start trying to break out of things like wearing the sunglasses. Talking to people outside her family, make a film of her day to day life, go to Starbucks, etc. Second, Linus, a friend of her brother’s, shows up at the house one day, and he tries to talk to her. Soon she is using him as her guinea pig for what her psychologist is asking her to do. And soon, a little romance develops. But along with Audrey’s working on her demons, we get to see how her brother Frank has his own issues. Their mother has decided from an article she’s read that he is addicted to online computer games, and she decides to ban him from them. The way that he argues and deceives his mother with the games is hilarious. Audrey soon learns how what she’s been dealing with has also affected her mother and her family. The childish antics of her four-year-old brother Felix are so funny in just how true to life they are. Audrey’s father obsession with the band he used to be in, and expecting his kids to love the music, again, so realistic.
I don’t know if I can explain just how much I loved this book. But I know that I’m once again remembering how much I love Sophie Kinsella’s writing, and that I have got to hurry up and get Shopaholic to the Stars to read!
I've been wanting to try something by Kinsella and this looks like a good one to try. Great review!
It's a great YA read! Definitely give it a shot!
i love this book to death. IT'S AMAZING!
I totally agree!!!
I can't wait to read this, great review! All of her books are fantastic.
There was one under her name of Madeline Wickham that wasn't as great, but I've loved all the ones under Sophie Kinsella!
This sounds great. A serious topic for sure, but sounds like it's told with a bit of humor. Adding to my TBR. Thanks for the review.
@dino0726 fromĀ
FictionZeal – Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews
It was written in such a great way. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
This book will release tomorrow in my country, Indonesia. And I can't wait to have my copy :'D
HOpe you get it soon and enjoy it as much as I did! Thanks for stopping by!
Alright, so for some reason, I thought that this one was about something completely and utterly different. Hence why actually reading the synopsis instead of just looking at the cover is a good idea! Thanks for the great review, and I am jumping on this one as soon as possible!
I guess I requested it just because of the author and didn't even really know what it was about till I picked it up and started reading. You should definitely read it if you get a chance.
Another one of these books that I am very excited to read! I love the sound of it being realistic and yet about anxiety as well, and such an entertainment to read. I haven't tried anything by Sophie Kinsella before, but I have a copy of this and will be breaking into it soon!
It's such a great way to deal with the subject. You can totally get Audrey's anxiety, but it is also so realistic in how the family still acts, and the way the humor does help.
I'm a big fan of Sophie Kinsella and I'm really excited to read this book! I know it won't disappoint me and I'm relieved that you loved it! I can't wait to have my own copy and share my feels to the world! Great review, btw!
It was such a good book! Hope you get ahold of it soon!
I love Shopaholic! Eventhough I dont quite like books about bullying and stuffs, I think this one is pretty good! So I am willing to give it a try. Thankyou for the review. ??
You should try it, it was a pretty good book. The humor of the characters and day to day life are just like the author had in the Shopaholic series. Thanks for stopping by!