This weekly meme is sponsored by Book Journey, and we talk about things we read last week, and our plans for what we’ll read this coming week.
Last week:
For Christmas break I’ve been getting some reading done. Not as much as I’d hoped, but still pretty good. I did get two reviews done for the week, as was my goal for the year.
Currently Reading:
Well, I just DNFed Monkey Wars by Richard Kurti. I’ve now moved on to the book pictured below, which I’m not sure how I feel about it yet, but we’ll see.
This week:
I’m working on trying to get some e-galleys caught up before they expire, plus hoping to do a little New Year’s mini-challenge for COYER starting on January 1st. But I’m doing more DNFs if they don’t catch my interest, like I did with Monkey Wars. If it is an egalley, I will give a mini-review on Goodreads and then also on Edelweiss or Netgalley for the publisher, even if I don’t do one on here. So here are the tentative reading plans for the week:
- I’ll Have What She’s Having by Rebecca Harrington (egalley from Edelweiss)
- Ixeos by Jennings Wright
- Alpha Girl by Kate Bloomfield
- Miranda’s Big Mistake by Jill Mansell
- Falling Fast by Lucy Kevin
I’m pretty sure I won’t get through all of those, but those are what I intend to attempt to read this week. Wish me luck!
Miranda's Big Mistake is one I hope to get to soon. Happy New Year.
Thanks! Hoping I'll get to it with my New Year's Challenge! Thanks for visiting!
The ghosts heaven sound like an intersting book and I love the cover. Happy new year 🙂
It is definitely interesting, not really at all what I thought. Happy New Year to you as well!
Eeps this reminds me I have two book reviews I'm VERY far behind on! Right now I'm reading the 100 Year Old House by…egads I can't remember the authors name! But so far it's a pretty cute book!
Glad you're enjoying it! I try to review as soon as I can after reading so that I don't get behind. Thanks for stopping by!