Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It is a way for us to share the new books we have collected. I didn’t get my post up last weekend, so this post will include two weeks worth of books.
Trades from YA Book Exchange:
So it was a good couple of weeks, for the most part, with trades from the YA Book Exchange. There are some awesome traders out there. And as for any other issues, we’ll not discuss them, as I’ve had a 99.9% great experience with the website. Very excited about two of the books as they were ones I’d hoped to get when I went to BEA but wasn’t able to.
Free e-books from Amazon:
Quite a few this time! These lists people share are dangerous! But I guess I’ll never run out of things to read. As if that was ever going to be a problem.
99 cent book from Amazon:
And that’s about it for me! But September will be a big month! My September is for Sequels Challenge will start this week, and you can go sign up by clicking on the link below. Also, today is the last day to enter my 5 year Blogoversary giveaway, and there are some great prizes, so click on the cupcake button below!
You've got some really awesome books there. I really want to read For Darkness Shows the Stars.
My Stacking the Shelves post
It's one I've wanted for awhile, so I'm excited I got it! Thanks for stopping by and I'll be sure to visit yu as well!
I'm really curious about For Darkness Shows the Stars; I must try and get that soon. It looks like you had a great haul this week. Enjoy!
Well, it was two weeks' worth, but still a great one! Thanks for visiting, and I'll be sure to stop by your post as well!
I LOVED For Darkness Shows the Stars – and LOVED EVEN MORE Across A Star-Swept Sea. Seriously. Great choices, Lisa! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend 🙂
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
I've heard so many great things about them, I'm so glad to finally have them! Thanks so much for returning the visit!
You got so many great books! I loved Boundless and For Darkness Shows the Stars! I really want to read The Young World, The Girl Who Never Was, and The Blemished! I hope you enjoy your books!
I can't wait to read them! Thanks so much for visiting!
Great haul! I hope you enjoy your new books!
Come and check out OUT's STS
And dont forget to enter the giveaways!
Leydy from OUAT
Thanks! I'll be sure to check out your STS and giveaway!
I really enjoyed The Young World, the first few chapters were a little touch and go for me, and took me a while to get used to one of the perspectives, since whoa, holy personality. But other than that, it was good. 🙂 Happy reading!
Here's mine
Kirsty @ StudioReads
I was just really intrigued for The Young World with the signs they had up at BEA. Glad to know I will have to be patient. Thanks for stopping by and I'll visit your post as well!
I still haven't read the Cynthia Hand series despite having the entire trilogy. I also really want to read The Girl Who Never Was. It has a great cover.
Enjoy your lovely books this week! 🙂
Nick – My Haul
It's been a while since I read the 2nd one, hoping I won't be too lost for the last one! Thanks for visiting and I'll return the favor!
The Girl Who Never Was, The Young World, and No Safety in Numbers sound really great! I'm definitely going to check them out. I really liked For Darkness Shows the Stars! Thanks for stopping by my corner of the internet:)
Happy Reading!
Kal-El @ the BookGeekBeauty
So glad to hear even more good things about For Darkness Shows the Stars. Thanks for stopping by!
I just picked The Young World up from the library. I am excited to give it a shot!
They has some really neat signs up for it at BEA, so I can't wait to read it! Thanks for visiting!
I like the cover for Found. I'm going to check it out on Goodreads to see what it's about. Enjoy your books!
It sounded good, and was free, so I couldn't pass it up! Thanks for visiting!
THank you for posting the freebies you found! I love finding good freebies, even if I almost never get the time to read them.
& Thank you for checking out my STS ! Happy Reading! 🙂
I keep getting too many freebies! I might start a challenge next year called Freebie February so that I can try to get those read! Thanks for returning the visit!
For Darkness Shows the Stars has such a pretty cover, I've just added it to my to-read list! Hope you enjoy your books and your week 🙂
Boundless. <3 <3 <3 I love the Unearthly trilogy. 🙂
Oh man, For Darkness Shows the Stars has been sitting on my shelves for forever. One day…One day…
Happy reading!
Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life
It's been so long since I read the 2nd book in the Unearthly I hope I can jump right back in, I loved them so far! Thanks for visiting!
Those are some awesome trades, Lisa! For Darkness Shows the Stars was a favorite read. I'll be reading Boundless for your series challenge. I've had that book since it's release, but I really loved the series and sometimes I hold onto those last books. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Tressa @ Wishful Endings
That happens to me sometimes too with the books that I buy as they're released, but I don't get to them right away. Thanks for visiting, and I'm so glad you're participating in my challenge!
Great books! I really love Boundless and hope you do, too. Thanks for stopping by!
Amber @ Fall Into Books
I'm hoping for a good ending to that series. There have been both good and bad endings lately. Thanks for returning the stop!
Great haul! YA Book Exchange is a great site. I'm making my first trade this week and I'm pretty excited for it. 🙂
Good luck with your first trade! I've had mostly great luck there. ONly one or two issues.
Great haul and man so many good looking covers! Hope you enjoy them all!
Thanks! I can't wait to get to them!
You did get some great books from YA book exchange. I have only tried it once years ago and I got burned so I have been hesitant to go back and try it again.
Happy 5th blogoversary!
I have had one or two issues, but I don't feel like one was the person's fault. I had several packages that didn't make it to my house about the same time, so I'm guessing what they sent me disappeared into that same place. Thanks for stopping by!
You have some very good looking books. I hope you enjoy reading them all!
My StS:
Thanks! I hope I can come up with time to get to them all at some point. Thanks for visiting, and I'll be sure to return the favor!