A to Z April – W: Werewolves and Witches

Posted April 26, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 4 Comments

There are a lot of types of things for W that I enjoy reading.  And so I had to choose two to talk about today, werewolves and witches.  I’m going to give you 4 examples of my favorites of each type below.



Around the time I really got into Dean Koontz, I also found Robert R. McCammon.  And this is one of the first books of his that I read, and I really liked it.  Werewolves, World War 2, together makes an interesting story.
Another of my favorite authors, Maggie Stiefvater, also wrote a series about werewolves, The Wolves of Mercy Falls.  And now she’s putting out another book in a series that we all thought was finished, and I’m very excited to read it.
This is a series I started when I got a box of ARCs that included this one.  I love this original cover, but the newer cover also was good.  Andrea Cremer is also now a favorite author of mine.
Stephen King’s version of the werewolf was also made into a movie called Silver Bullet, and I of course loved it because it starred one of my favorite actors as a teenager, Corey Haim.

The Harry Potter series is the best in this category, I don’t care what anyone says. The stories are funny, sad, adventurous, edge of your seat.  They will always win hands down in my opinion.
I first learned of Tessa Gratton when she just happened to be at a signing event with Maggie Stiefvater.  I had to buy this book and get her to sign it, and I am now a huge fan of Tessa Gratton as well.
I love this book, need to read on in the series, can’t believe I haven’t gotten farther than this yet.
I feel like I read and loved this in high school.  After the debacle, in my opinion, that the tv show made from The Vampire Diaries books was, I didn’t even bother to try to watch this when they tried to start a tv show.  This one I loved and re-read more than the vampire series, so really couldn’t stand to see it ruined.
Now I could again have included the Twilight series with werewolves, but I chose not to.  The Sookie Stackhouse  series could fit under both werewolves and witches.  And even Harry Potter includes werewolves.  
What are your favorite werewolf and witch stories?  And don’t forget to enter my Bloglovin 900 follower giveaway HERE.

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4 responses to “A to Z April – W: Werewolves and Witches

  1. Favorite witch stories? Hmm, that's a toughie. The Others by Anne Bishop, which starts with Written in Blood, is a good shifter series in general. I love her take on weres.
    Witches. Witches. Kelley Armstrong does good witches in her Otherworld series. And then my all time favorite is the Sweep series by Cate Tiernan. Read it in middle school and still love it to this day.

    • I have read a different series by Cate Tiernan, but not this series. Since I liked the other so well, I hope to get to the Sweep series at some point. Thanks for visiting!

  2. So glad I found you!! Thanks for directing me here. I just kept scrolling and scrolling to see your picks and recommendations. I think I might like to start with Beautiful Creatures, that one calls to me. The home stretch XYZ and we finish. This will be my first challenge and I have found some great pages like yours. Hope your week is wonderful!

    • I'm actually reading the sequel to Beautiful Creatures right now, or should I say finally. Hope you get a chance to read it. Yeah, almost done, and I made it! So glad! Hope you have a great week as well!

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