Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It is a way for us to share the new books we have collected. I think I’ve remember all of them this week. I feel like I might be missing an egalley or two.
YA Book Exchange:
I received an ARC of the first book in this series quite a while back. But as usual, I didn’t get the ARC to the sequel, didn’t even see it as an e-galley to try to download. So when I saw an ARC of this available on the YA Book Exchange, I jumped on the chance to get it.
The first one I actually bought last Sunday, after I’d already done my post for last week, and have already read and reviewed HERE. The 2nd one, The Blood Gospel, is a book I’d started a few weeks ago. I had a stripped cover copy from the bookstore. Well, I got about half way through, and got to a point where there were some chapters turned upside down. And they were the chapters I’d just read, and 4 chapters were missing. So I ordered another mass market copy into the store, because it was getting good and I needed to finish it. But when I went in to purchase my order that had arrived last night, I found the hardcover of the book on the bargain display, and purchased that instead because it was cheaper than the mass market. The 3rd one, Odd Apocalypse, is a the next book in the series by Dean Koontz that I need to read. My mom had tried to pick a copy up at Costco a while back, but made a mistake and got the one before it, which we already had. I found this hardcover also on the bargain display. And finally, the last book is the 2nd in a series, that I still haven’t read the first one. But, again, the hardcover was on the bargain table for cheaper than the paperback would be, plus my employee discount, so I couldn’t pass it by.
E-galleys from Edelweiss:
Found this one, and although I haven’t read this author before, it sounded pretty good!
E-galleys from Netgalley:
The first one I downloaded after an email from Netgalley saying it was available to download. I’ve only read one book by this author, but this one sounds more up my alley. The 2nd one is by an author that I’ve also only read one book by, but she is a local author, and that book was really good. And this one is about tornadoes, something we deal with quite often in the spring where I live. So I was pleased to be approved for that one.
So, quite a few things added to my shelf this week, mostly my e-reader shelf though. What new things did you get this week?
Awesome books. I have The Here and Now, really have to get to that! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by The Cover Contessa.
Yep, have to get to it! Thanks for stopping by my STS as well!
Torn Away sounds interesting!
Check out OUT's STS
Leydy from OUAT & RCE
I thought so, thanks for stopping by and I'll check out your STS as well.
I've always wanted to read THE SELECTION series! It's on my 2014 TBR!!!
Great list!!! Thanks for stopping into mine already!!
The Selection series is so good. You'll be able to read them all with no wait, since the final book comes out in May! Thanks for stopping by!
The cover of Suspicion is soooo pretty! I haven't heard of it before but I will have to check it out!
The cover of Suspicion is incredible! Enjoy.
It does and it sounds really good too!
Wait. Suspicion is on Edelweiss? Ahhh, it's not anymore! Sadness. I really want to read that one. Hopefully in the future!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Wow, you couldn't find it? Don't know how I found it, but it was there! You should try again. Thanks for stopping by my blog as well!
These all look great. Enjoy!!
Thanks, I hope to!
Dark Triumph was one of my favourite reads last year! I hope you enjoy it! Great haul, have an awesome week!
Cyn @ Bookmunchies
Yeah, can't wait to read it. Plus I see the 3rd book is on Edelweiss, so I may request it. Thanks for stopping by!
Nice haul, I also received Here and Now and I'm looking forward to starting it.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, happy reading!
It sounded like they were giving it to many readers, so that is cool! Thanks for stopping by my STS as well!
Dark Triumph was such a good read! I hope you enjoy your books :).
Ninja Girl
I liked the first one in the series, so can't wait to read it! Plus, just saw the 3rd one on Edelweiss, so may have to hurry and read the 2nd one so I can request it! Thanks for stopping by!
I just requested Torn Away. I really liked Hate List. Thanks!
I liked Hate List a lot too. Hope you get Torn Away to read as well. Thanks for stopping by!
I bought the first book in the RObin LaFevers series, but haven't read it yet. So fingers crossed you enjoy the 2nd book.
I really enjoyed the first book, so hoping I'll like the 2nd one as well, especially with the 3rd one coming out this year. Thanks for stopping by!
Wow – looks like you got a lot of great ones this week! I'm really interested in Dark Triumph, Torn Away, and Suspicion looks great 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy!
It was a pretty good week! Thanks for returning the stop!
Nice haul! I got The Here and Now after receiving that email too, so looking forward to reading it! Enjoy!
You're one of the lucky ones too! Can't wait to see how it goes.