Since I got a review in yesterday instead of doing a WOW, and I’m not quite done with my current book due to several different reasons, I will join into this meme again, for the first time this year. Not only that, but since I have passed the 1900 GFC follower mark for my blog, I will also have a giveaway at the end of this post. Here is the question this week for Booking Through Thursday:
How do you like to spend your snow days? Feel free to gloss over the obligatory parts like shoveling unless you LIKE it. We’re talking ideal, best way to spend a snow day kind of thoughts, here.
For those of you who live in places where snow days simply don’t happen? Feel free to substitute “snow” with “rain” and think about the kind of days when you just want to cuddle up inside where it’s warm and dry.
Now where I live, we actually had 3 snow days last week. So I only had to go to work at my school on Monday and Tuesday, which was kind of nice. One thing I love to do is sleep in. No alarm clock. I even really enjoy getting up around the normal time, but then taking my pillow downstairs to the couch, and going back to sleep on the couch until I am ready to wake up naturally. I love to watch the daytime tv that I don’t get to see during the school year, Live with Kelly and Michael and The Talk are my 2 favorites, other than my soap, The Young and the Restless, which I record and pretty much watch year round though. Lots of reading, lots of playing around on the computer. And I usually get a lot of stuff done for my blog on those days. The only bad thing about all the snow we got is that I have two little dogs, see the header at the top, and so I have to have a shoveled spot for them to go do their business outside. And one day last week, I had to shovel every hour because it was snowing so much. What’s great is when the school district goes ahead and cancels school the night before, because then I can stay up in my bed reading that night and not have to feel guilty or wake up too tired. (Maybe next snow day I’ll get around to making a new button for this meme when I do it, as the one I have from the website is so small)
Now, on to the giveaway, since I have 1900 followers, I’ll be giving away a $19 gift card to Barnes and Noble or Amazon, your choice. For my international followers, if you don’t want the gift card, I will purchase a book for you up to the price of $19 from The Book Depository, as long as they deliver to you. I’m going to make entering simple. You just have to be a follower in some way, it doesn’t have to be GFC, even though that’s where my 1900 is at. And then I’d love to have you comment on any book review on my blog that you’d like. In fact I’ll let you get more entries by coming back each day and commenting on a different review. I’ll run this giveaway until the end of February, 2 weeks basically. And when you’re done entering this one, don’t forget to go enter my giveaway as part of the Romance is in the Air Blog Hop, which is over tomorrow!
I hope you are enjoying your snow day. I'm retired so can choose to sleep late any time. Thanks for the visit today. I'm your 1910 follower, and thanks for following my blog also.
I can't wait for retirement, mostly for the sleeping in and reading. 🙂 Thanks for following back. Hope you entered the giveaway too!
Enjoy your snow days…and thanks for visiting (and following) my blog.
Oh, and I'm the # 1915th follower.
Thanks for following back! And I hope you entered the giveaway too!