That’s What He Said Thursday – December 5th, 2013

Posted December 5, 2013 by Lisa Mandina in / 6 Comments

Well, since I’m not ready for a review quite yet, in the middle of Emerald Green by Kerstin Gier, I searched today for a Thursday meme.  I wasn’t really in the mood for what Booking It Through Thursday was doing this week.  And when I Googled Thursday book blog memes, I saw this one, sponsored by Chapter Break, and thought it sounded like fun.  Especially since I’m reading a book with a great guy in it!  Or one that I’m really enjoying loving, and then hating, and then loving again.  So this quote is actually several that I’ve strung together from the same conversation, I’ve just left out Gwyneth’s part.

Gwyneth, I’ve fallen in love with you.  I do realize we’ve known each other for less than a week, and at first I thought you were rather … childish, and I probably behaved badly to you.  But you’re terribly complicated, I never know what you’ll do next, and in some ways you really are terrifyingly … er … naive.  Sometimes I just want to shake you.  But then you’re amusing, and clever, and amazingly sweet.  And the worst of it is, you only have to be in the same room and I need to touch you and kiss you …”

– Gideon to Gwyneth
(Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier)

And that sentence leaves off because of course at that point they have to kiss each other!  This is such a wonderful scene.  After all the whiplash Gideon has been giving Gwyneth, it’s nice for her to get an answer about how he really feels.  Although, of course, as this is only the 2nd book, there will have to be a wrench thrown into what seems to be finally going the way it should.  You can read more about this book in my REVIEW.

Kind of a fun meme, huh?  Join in if you want to!

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