Reading this novella made me realize how much I need to finish this series. It almost made me do Wishlist Wednesday instead of Waiting on Wednesday this week. But I didn’t. This was another good novella. But because it had been awhile since I’d read the 2nd book, it did take me a minute to remember who Angela was. This story is told from both Angela and Clara’s point of view. Which I kind of liked, because we get to read about how Angela met her “angel” boyfriend, well maybe not boyfriend, but guy she’s in love with anyway. It was nice to remember what had happened as we left off from the 2nd book as well. In the story Clara is with Angela visiting her family in Italy. Which is just so neat on its own. And we go back and forth between the two girls. Learning about Angela’s angel named Phen, as well as getting to see what Clara is thinking about with her own “boy” that is no longer hers back home. Also how Clara is doing with the loss of her mother and what she’d learned about her true father. I know now that I’m going to have to get my hands on the 3rd book in the series, Boundless, soon.
Hey, you’re here, and there is still time to join into my November is for Novellas challenge. Just plan to read 4 novellas by the end of the month! And there is a giveaway for the participants, and with only 2 participants besides myself right now, the chances are pretty good!
Hey! I did read that entire series…but not the novella. Oddly, I found this one difficult to remember when I got to book 3. Is that sad? I mean, I really liked the characters and the conflict and plot, but they just didn't stand out against the background of over novels I've consumed.
I think it is so long between times I've read the first two, that I will probably have some issues with remembering as well. I'm hoping that reading this novella will help with that.
I have been meaning to read this series. I really like the covers of the books. I am glad to hear that the series is pretty good. too!
I have enjoyed them when I read them. The first book was really good. Hope you get a chance to read them some day.