November is for Novellas Challenge #6: The Prince (The Selection 0.5) by Kiera Cass

Posted November 18, 2013 by Lisa Mandina in / 4 Comments

I really enjoyed this novella as well as most of the others that I’ve read this month.  And it made me so ready to read #3.  Just a quick review.  We get to know Maxon for the short time up until the girls come for The Selection.  We also learn that there was kind of a girl in his life.  A princess from another country.  Unfortunately Maxon’s father, the king, doesn’t want that kind of a connection, he wants Maxon to get married the same way he did.  Although it seems as if maybe his father is having more input into choosing the first selection than other kings had in the past.  We get to see how he interacts with his mother, as well as his view of the first meeting he had with America in the first book, The Selection.  It was such a neat thing to get that side of the story.  It reminds me of how much I enjoyed Midnight Sun, Edward’s viewpoint of Twilight, until of course someone leaked it and we didn’t get to read anymore.  This novella left me wanting more.  I see that there will be a 2.5 called The Guard, which of course will be about Aspen.  America’s love before the selection took place.  But how about a 1.5 giving us more information about Maxon?  I want his point of view on what happens with him and the other girls.  All the things we’re wondering about in book 2.  If anyone knows Kiera Cass, could you tell her I want that?  Thanks!
And, hey, while you’re here, if you’re going to be reading at least 4 novellas yourself this month, be sure to go join my November is for Novellas Challenge, only 2 weeks left, you can do it!

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4 responses to “November is for Novellas Challenge #6: The Prince (The Selection 0.5) by Kiera Cass

  1. This series is on my TBR list. This sounds like an interesting series. I like the idea of a Bachelor type of show to pick a bride as a piece of fiction (not so much in real life!). I am happy that the author decided to write some short stories from the guy's POV. It is nice to get both sides of things. 🙂

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