Feature and Follow #10 2013

Posted August 2, 2013 by Lisa Mandina in / 8 Comments

Feature and Follow Friday is sponsored by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.  The purpose of this event is to learn about the two featured bloggers each week, as well as to increase your own blog following by joining in on the fun! This week’s question/activity is:

How do you handle a book you don’t like? Do you DNF or do you power through?

Wow, this is such a great question this week!  I’ve been actually thinking of posting something asking all my followers to give their opinions about this.  I used to feel like if I didn’t finish a book I’d started, I wasn’t really giving it a chance.  But now, I have so many books I want to read, and that I have to review, that I just don’t have the time to finish something that I’m not enjoying.  About the only time I’ll finish a book I’m really not enjoying is if it is to help choose or nominate a book for an award or something like that.  Now, I don’t have a policy, which everyone says I need, on what kinds of books I will accept for review.  I’ve had a couple authors lately who have offered to send me their books without me necessarily soliciting them.  In one case it was a book I had entered a contest for on Goodreads, and then I was offered a copy by the author.  The others have been authors who just sent me messages on Goodreads and asked me to read it.  Two of them I’ve not really enjoyed.  One I quit, and emailed the author to tell them I wouldn’t be able to finish it or give a good review.  I really prefer to post about books that I’ve enjoyed or can recommend in some way.  Is that wrong do you think?  I know it is good for people to see why someone might not like a book, as it might help them decide whether to read it.  But, I don’t feel like spending my time on that, and I don’t like to be mean or hurt people’s feelings.  I hate it when people bash my favorite books, example:  Twilight.  I always tell people if they don’t like something, why waste time thinking or talking about it?  I’d rather talk about what I like, and wish people would do that too.  
So, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.  Do you think it is okay if I DNF when I don’t enjoy?  I usually give it at least 50 pages, if not more.

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8 responses to “Feature and Follow #10 2013

  1. I agree with you, I would rather spend the time on something I really like, not something I'm ambivalent about. And yes it can be touchy with authors, because they pour their soul into their book how do you tell them you didn't care for it? That's hard. It can be a delicate balancing act.

  2. Usually I will give a book 50-100 pages before I DNF if I'm not enjoying it. I used to power through but I no longer have the time and it turned reading into a chore. There are too many books on my tbr pile for me to feel guilty and I'm picky about what I read, so only have 1 DNF so far!

    New follower 🙂

    Mia Hoddell

    Gift card giveaway -> more entries = more money given away

  3. Yes I don't think anyone enjoys giving bad reviews! I always feel really guilty, especially if I'm directly emailing the author.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF! New follower via Bloglovin'!
    ~Tilly @ Hardcore Heroines

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