Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It is a way for us to share the new books we have collected. Not too bad of a haul this week, and a couple of my e-galleys I got because I saw other blogs had them, so I went and searched for them! And I was kind of bad this week. I bought two books, well two physical books, and one e-book that was a deal for my Nook this week.
Purchased e-book:
I saw this was one of the Nook deals for only $2.99 this week, and I had to get it, even though I rarely buy e-books. But I’ve been a bit obsessed with learning more about the Hatfields and the McCoys since I saw the History Channel’s tv movie. So, excited to have this to read whenever I want now!
Purchased physical books:
I saw the first book when working one day at the bookstore. It is a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book for adults! Anyone besides me that loved those when they were a kid? This is much longer, so much more to choose and have happen I guess. Can’t wait to read it! The 2nd book is from one of my favorite tv shows, New Girl. I love that Douchbag Jar they have for Schmidt, that he has to put money in whenever he says anything like that. So it will be fun to read through this book.
E-galleys from Edelweiss:
The first two you see above I had to go get after I saw other bloggers had gotten them from Edelweiss. Two authors that I really have enjoyed their books, new stuff from them. The third book is a new series by another author that I really like, so I was excited to find it today on Edelweiss when I got the newsletter to go check out new review titles.
So how about you, what books did you add to your shelves this week?
Ooh nice haul! I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't read Lauren Oliver's books! I need to change that asap lol
Thanks for stopping by my STS! I followed you back via bloglovin
Dee @ Dee's Reads
You should definitely try them. I'm a big fan of hers. Thanks for stopping by!
Ohhh I had no idea Lauren Oliver had a new book out – exciting! Enjoy your new books and thanks so much for stopping by my blog 🙂
Yeah, can't wait to read it! Thanks for returning the favor!