Feature and Follow Friday #9 2013

Posted July 26, 2013 by Lisa Mandina in / 8 Comments

Feature and Follow Friday is sponsored by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.  The purpose of this event is to learn about the two featured bloggers each week, as well as to increase your own blog following by joining in on the fun! This week’s question/activity is:

What do you do with your books after you’re done reading them?

Well, I keep most of them.  I love my books!  Some I loan to my friends to read, but then they come back home to me.  I’m trying to get better about some though.  If it’s something I don’t know that I’ll read again, and maybe I can trade it for a book that I really want, I will often put them on YA Book Exchange.  I’ve also used some as giveaways too.  When I was a classroom teacher, sometimes I would put them in my classroom for the students to read.
How about you, where do your books go?
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8 responses to “Feature and Follow Friday #9 2013

  1. Yeah, same here. Hard to give up a book you like. 🙂 Used bookstores are kinda fun too, although they're getting kinda hard to find!

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