Feature and Follow Friday is sponsored by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The purpose of this event is to learn about the two featured bloggers each week, as well as to increase your own blog following by joining in on the fun! This week’s question/activity is:
Q: What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc?
Honestly, I still love actual, physical books. Up to this point, I’ve mostly used my Nook e-reader for reading e-galleys. I am beginning, with having overflowing bookshelves, to see that honestly, it might be just as good to get some books as e-books. But so far, I really hate to spend on an e-book what it costs for a paperback. So mostly I only buy e-books if they are on sale, or the little in between stories that only cost from $1-3. I used to only enter giveaways that were for specific books too. But now I’ve begun to see that if it is a GC for Barnes and Noble, so that I can order for my Nook, I will enter for it. I also figure from now on, I may not buy actual books unless it is an author that I always buy for, or if I know I’ll get a chance to meet them and get it autographed. I say that, but we’ll see how long that lasts.
How about you? What kind of books do you prefer?
As for what type of follow I prefer, probably GFC. But if you want to do something else, I like Networked Blogs and Bloglovin.
Ebooks should definitely be less expensive than paper books!
That is the big issue I have with buying them right now.
Good points. I only buy books I absolutely love (in others books I've read and just want to collect, lol) Thanks for stopping by my FF and feel free to join the giveaway
Thanks for stopping by here as well. I'll check out your giveaway.
Happy Friday! I prefer reading paperbacks. I love the feel of real pages in my hand. I read eBooks sometimes, though. I think they're always faster to finish and you can easily highlight the passages you like.
New BlogLovin follower.
My FF @ The Creative Forum
Happy Reading! 🙂
I need to do more with my ebooks, the highlighting, etc. Thanks for stopping by and following!
Ebooks do make storage much easier! 🙂 I do love my physical books but admit to reading almost exclusively on my ereader. Happy Friday!
Yeah, my 2nd bedroom sometimes feels like I should be on Hoarders because of the number of books there.
Good answer. Thanks for stopping by, cute blog 🙂
Thanks! And thanks for stopping by my blog as well.
I followed!
I love my Nook but I do still appreciate holding an actual book in my hand at times.
Yeah, a paper back book is so much nicer. Thanks for stopping by!
I am the same way. eArcs/Galleys, freebies or under 2.99 I might get ebook, but whe it goes over I will get it in physical form.
Here is my FF.
I was looking today and found a book I'd wanted to read for $2.99 as an e-book, so I'll have to buy it. I feel like publishers should make e-books at least a dollar or two cheaper than the paperback price just because you aren't getting an actual product to hold in your hands. Thanks for stopping by.