Stacking the Shelves May 12th, 2013

Posted May 12, 2013 by Lisa Mandina in Stacking the Shelves / 2 Comments

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.  This week, only one of the books I’ve listed is an actual physical book, the rest are all e-galleys which I often forget to list when I do this.  So let’s start with the actual book. 

My friend that I went to the RT Convention with last Saturday ended up with two copies of Just One Day by Gayle Forman, so she asked if I wanted it for a giveaway on my blog, and I said, yeah, after I get to read it! Next are 5 e-galleys:

The three shown above are all from Edelweiss, so I get a little more time before they expire sometimes, which is nice.  Especially since the first one, Once We Were, is part two of a series.  I’ll have to make sure to get the first one from the library.  The 2nd one is the sequel to a book I was just in love with last year, Unspoken, and now that I’ve fallen in love with the author as well, I was so excited to see it available as an e-galley so I didn’t have to wait!  And the 3rd one above is a prequel to another series I’ve not heard of before, something I wish was a little clearer on the e-galleys.  But at least since it is a prequel, it won’t matter if I’ve read the rest of the series, After the Snow.  In fact, I would guess it will help me decide if I want to read on into this dystopian sounding series.

The two books pictured above I got from Netgalley, so they are only available for 55 days.  The first one I guess is more of a nonfiction, as it is about the history of human experiments in the medical field.  So, I asked for it, but will see if it is one I actually get through.  The second one is a collection of short stories by David Lubar about death, murder, and revenge.  It is supposedly his first book like this for teens, I guess of horror stories, as I know he does write kind of funny stories for younger age kids.  When I requested Extremities, I also got an email saying I will now be automatically approved for any Macmillan/Tor books, which is cool!  
So, 5 more added to my TBR pile, digitally anyway.  How about you?  What did you get this week?
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