Stacking the Shelves #1

Posted April 29, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in Stacking the Shelves / 0 Comments

With all the controversy lately, I found this similar meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and thought I’d join in.  I don’t really have anything to put on a shelf this week, but it is a book to read, so I’ll share!  Since I’m going to be participating in a hop for the new book Redheads are Soulless by Heather White, I got a copy of the book to read on my e-reader.  Although for some reason, I can’t find it in my Adobe Digital Editions right now, it is on my computer.  Hope I can figure out how to get it on my e-reader, or I may have to ask for a physical copy as I don’t want to sit at my computer and read.  Looking forward to reading it!

What are you stacking on your shelves this week?

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