Now I’m back on track! Although I wish I had more time, because I’d love to do an interview like one like one of the choices today, but oh well, I’ll just have to choose one of my readers to spotlight! Here is today’s prompt:
Today I have two spectacular choices for you! You could do a reader interview with a reader of your choice OR (if you’re not the interview type) you could highlight a blog that you enjoy reading. What is it about this blog that you enjoy, what is it about the reviews, the blogger, the style, the look, etc? If you don’t feel comfortable highlighting one blog, be general in regards to a few blogs you enjoy and what you enjoy about them.
So this is another hard one! But I am going to choose Molli at Once Upon A Prologue. First I want to thank Mollie for reading my blog and giving me lots of comments. I like her blog because she reads so many of the same types of books as I do, and I can go read her reviews and learn about ones I’ve never even heard of. I wish I had more time to go through and mention a bunch of my awesome readers! But just know that if you’re following me, I try to keep up with you too because I appreciate my readers, and know that I can learn so much from all of you! Who would you feature if you were doing this?
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