BBRAW 2012: An Introduction and Thanks!

Posted February 13, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 2 Comments

I got this idea from Miss Remmer’s Reviews.  I think it is a great idea, especially as I’m working to build my following.  I know that it makes me feel good when I reply or respond to another blogger’s post, and I get even more excited when I get a comment on a review that I’ve posted.  It has been so great following people, and I learn so much from those bloggers.  And I have really appreciated all of you who have stopped by and read my posts and shared your opinions on those books.  So, I’m going to do my very best to keep up with all the prompts this week.  The first one is: 
Introduce yourself for new readers that will be stopping by. Take today to explain what BBRAW means to you. This is the ideal time to thank your readers for their comments, support, and post a giveaway if you plan on having one. Remember, as BBRAW is supposed to celebrate readers, requiring a “follow” for the giveaway would be in relatively poor taste.
Well, again, taking my lead from Miss Remmer, I began this blog back on August 9th, 2009.  I had blogged on and off, but without any real theme.  Then as you can read in the blog link, a movie inspired me to blog more regularly. I didn’t quite keep up with my goal of blogging every day, especially once I established the main theme of book blogging.  I got my first comment about a month later, September 5th, 2009. What helped me really get into blogging all my books was that I was helping my state library association pick the award nominees for the following year, so as I read them, I blogged about them, and helped myself keep track of what I thought. 
I am a middle school science teacher, and I have a library science master’s degree, and hope one day soon to get a school library job.  I love inspiring my students to read.  In fact this year I’ve had two separate parents thank me for getting their students to read, and that is what makes my heart happy.  I’ve loved reading my whole life, and want others to feel some of the joy I feel when reading.  I want to thank all of my readers for making this more worthwhile.  Yeah, I would keep doing it with no one reading, but it wouldn’t feel as important.  So thanks to all of you, and I hope you’ll stay with me as I continue to read and review and improve my blog.

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2 responses to “BBRAW 2012: An Introduction and Thanks!

  1. Good luck with your degree! I know it's what I want to do. And not just so I can read, but because I love sharing what I read with kids and seeing them get excited about reading.

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