Beyond the Grave by Mara Purnhagen

Posted August 14, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments

Beyond the Grave by Mara Purnhagen

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I got to read this early as an e-galley through NetGalley from Harlequin. I’m so mad though because I forgot there was a 2.5 in the series called Haunting the Night and so I didn’t read it before. And it’s so stupid because it was a free e-book! Oh well, I downloaded it and will go back and read it. I still really enjoy this series, and this book was no less enjoyable.

We join back in with Charlotte and her mom is still in a coma. Charlotte is trying to do what she can in secret to communicate with the spirit world to try to help her mom. After defeating the Watcher, she is sure it has to be something spiritual causing her mom to be in a coma. It turns out the Watcher is not gone though, and there are other people out there, called Protectors, that can help against Watchers.

I love reading about paranormal investigators as I really enjoy shows such as Paranormal State, and I like going on ghost hunts. So it is neat to read about a family that does this. I enjoyed the flashback in this book as well to learning about some past ghost hunts the family had been on. Expect a review of part 2.5 after a couple more books on my list.

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