The Hazards of Working at a Bookstore Vol. 3.1 Part 2

Posted July 14, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 2 Comments

Okay, part 2. I also realized I could do a part 3, as we had an upcoming catalog of YA title sitting in the breakroom at the bookstore where I work and I found 3 other books I wanted to read. But I’ll post those another time. For today I’m going to just list the 4 books I saw actually sitting in the store the last two nights that I worked.
First is Lucy by Laurence Gonzales. Now, I think I’ve actually posted about this when it came out in hardcover, not sure. But I’m going to talk about it again just in case. It is now in paperback, and so I may have to buy it. Lucy is the story of what might happen if someone tried to breed an ape and a human. Lucy is a 14 year old daughter of a primatologist who has grown up only being around apes. She is rescued when her parent is killed in a civil war in the Congo and brought to Chicago to live. When they find out what she is, she must now prove that she has the right to continue to live her life as she has been. Sounds like a very intense book to me! And one that is right up my alley of what I like to read in adult fiction.

Second is Exes & Ohs: A Downtown Girl’s (Mostly Awkward) Tales of Love, Lust, Revenge, and a Little Facebook Stalking by Shallon Lester. This is in the humor section of our store. It’s a dating memoir of a person who has been a waitress, a gossip columnist, and an MTV reality tv star. Her stories include a new boyfriend finding a huge pile of Magnum condoms under her bed, getting caught stealing bacon at a grocery store, and being dumped two Valentine’s Days in a row. I can’t wait to read this one!

Third is My Boyfriend Wrote a Book About Me: And Other Stories I Shouldn’t Share with Acquaintances, Co-workers, Taxi Drivers, Assistants, Job interviewers, Bikini …And Ex/Current/Future Boyfriends But Have by Hilary Winston. Another hilarious sounding book to read about not being able to keep from saying things in work and the dating life. The author is a TV writer and things life is going well till she finds out an exboyfriend has written a novel about her where she is referred to as the fat-assed girlfriend. So she kind of strikes back with stories of her own.

And the fourth and final book I’m going to write about is This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein by Kenneth Oppel. I’ve never read any of Kenneth Oppel’s books. But I’ve picked them up and read the blurbs before. This is the first that really caught my attention. I don’t know that I’ve posted about it, but I already had it marked as to read on

Again, tell me if you’ve read any of these so I know what to expect. I always like to see other people’s views on books I’m going to read. Especially the awesome book bloggers that I follow!

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2 responses to “The Hazards of Working at a Bookstore Vol. 3.1 Part 2

  1. I remember you reading it and really liking it. Maybe I'll actually purchase it for my Nook. I haven't bought many books for it yet, been enjoying Net Galley too much! Thanks to you! 🙂

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