This week’s question is:
Share your favorite blog post from the last month and tell us why it’s close to your heart.
I guess it would have to be from May 15th, my blog about Abandon by Meg Cabot, because it reminds me of getting to meet her when I got that book. It is also when I decided that I was going to try to set a goal to meet 12 authors this year, one a month, because I met her in April, and she was the 4th author I’d met this year.
And for the 2nd time, I’m going to participate in Follow Friday hosted by parajunkee at

What are you doing to prepare for the upcoming zombie apocalypse and/or the return of Mel Gibson to the silver screen?
Well, I have been reading a lot of zombie books in the past year or so it seems. And seen a few zombie movies. I must admit that I often think about how could I survive in my house if this happened. There also used to be a house in the city I live in that I always thought I’d go to during a zombie attack because it’s like the whole house was up high, with just a small side of it that I assume had an elevator or stairs above a garage. I figured it’d be safe. Not easy for zombies to climb, but lots of windows so you could see what was going on outside. Not quite sure about Mel Gibson, I will have to think about that one.
I was reading your answers to award you had. I love my dachsunds. I had one for 4 or 5 years and he passed away in December. we do have another one though but he belongs to my brother. They are cute. When ever I see one in my drive thru at work I always ask about them. I know off topic. 🙂
I like reading your FF answers. Come check out mine as well. New follower. Come visit me as well.
I'm not too worried about a zombie apocalypse, but I do have a year's supply (I hope) of food, in case the economy tanks. I don't panic over these things, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.
Glad to have found you via the Hop!
Hi! *waves* Hopping over to say`Hi" and follow back! Great mailbox this week!!
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Sorry, had to delete last comment, wrong blogger account.
Returning the love and following back. I look forward to your blog posts! Suz