This was an ARC that was just sitting out on the breakroom table at the bookstore where I work. I cannot believe it hadn’t been picked up yet as we have many science fiction fans working at the store it seems.
Anyway, this was a good book. It reminds me in a way of the book World War Z in how it is told. It is several different entries. These are supposedly videos saved by Archos, going through the whole time from when the robots began to take over and try to eliminate humans, to the end where humans fought back to save their world. I honestly wonder how some of these videos were obtained, as if they are showing the ways that humans came up with to defeat the machines, wouldn’t them being recorded have given their side away to the robots if they were recording it?
It of course is along the lines of Terminator, and that is quite interesting. The machines in this story though don’t want to destroy the world, they, Archos, just believe that humans time is over, and they want to study the earth without humans around destroying it as they believe. In the end the humans are able to use the technology against itself, in ways that you don’t always see coming. I love that the author of this actually has a Ph.D. in robotics and that is why it is so realistic I think. Some people might say too technical, but I’d have to disagree. I can’t wait to recommend this book at the store.
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