Two new books. One I actually meant to write about in another post, because a friend reviewed it, and I’ve seen it sitting on a table at work several times. The other a teen book that I saw for the first time yesterday, and I actually had a minute to go back and read the cover to see if it sounded like something good other than just the cover and title.
So, first off the book is called Save As Draft by Cavanaugh Lee. This is a novel told mostly through email, texts, and other computer types of exchanges. I love books in this format. They’re so much fun! And so much like how our lives seem to be these days. The main character is Izzy, she has a great first date, but then kind of dumps that guy to get together with the guy who has always been her best friend. But of course things change in that relationship after a while, and Izzy goes back to first date guy. So it’s like a love triangle type story. This is the type of chick lit that draws me in. Sounds fun!
The 2nd book is Epitaph Road by David Patneude. I don’t know that I’ve read a book by this author before, but have seen them. This is another dystopian type book for teens. In this future, most of the men have been killed off by a virus, and women rule the world. There are men who live away from the female rule, and when an uprising is threatened, another outbreak of the virus occurs. Our main character is Kellen. What intrigues me about this book is how often the dystopian society books have men in charge and women being 2nd class, as in the last one I read, Wither. So this one should be an interesting change of pace.
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