Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a way to highlight those books for which we can’t wait for their publication date. This week I choose The Slayer Chronicles by Heather Brewer. Heather Brewer is the author of the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, which I just finished reading over the weekend. Vladimir Tod is a vampire. In the books we meet a slayer named Joss, as well as learning about the other slayers in this world. In this spin-off we will find out Joss’s story, as well as what happened during the summers that were left out of the Vladimir Tod series. It says it will feature our favorite vampires, so I’m guessing that will include Vladimir Tod. I enjoyed my last week that I spent getting away to this world, so I’m waiting now for September 20, 2011 to start this next series. If you want my review of the series, scroll down to the blog before this one. Since I don’t have a picture of the cover for this book yet, you’ll just have to wait.
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