The 3rd and final installment of the Hunger Games Trilogy that I have been waiting on pins and needles for since last spring. Let’s just say it was very intense. Didn’t like it quite as much as the first two. Probably because what was so unique about the first two was the actual Hunger Games themselves. In this book, the rebels are at war with the Capitol. We’ve found out that District 13 wasn’t destroyed in the original war as the Capitol led everyone to believe, they just moved underground. The Capitol left them there on their own because this was where the nuclear weapons had been made back then, and so they had their own way to fight back. Katniss has been rescued and brought back to District 13, along with as many people from District 12 that they could rescue before or after the Capitol bombed it and destroyed it. Peeta was not rescued, the Capitol is holding him, and we can only assume torturing him and using him to try to lure Katniss out so that she won’t be the “Mockingjay” or face of the rebels. Katniss’s mother and sister, as well as her friend Gale have all been rescued.
There have been Team Gale vs. Team Peeta factions since the last book. We really get into that whole thing in this book. In fact, there is even one scene very reminiscent of the tent scene between Edward and Jacob in Eclipse. Maybe it only was that way to me because I know the Twilight series inside and out, but still. How much influence does Twilight truly have on the YA authors of the future? I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, just remarking on it.
I think I like the way it ended, not sure. I as usual was reading as quick as possible to find out what happened. I will have to go back and read again just to make sure. And I’m sure I will. I already need to go back and read Catching Fire again, because since I’ve only read it one time all the way through, there is stuff I forgot that I need to revisit, and maybe that will help me make sense, enjoy more, this final book.
So, I recommend it to all who have read the series for it’s closure, but if this had been the first book in the series, it wouldn’t probably be as popular as it is.
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