Book Review 52: Sent by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Posted December 2, 2009 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments

This is the 2nd book in the Missing Series. The first was Found which was on one of my reading lists. Margaret Peterson Haddix is a favorite author of mine, especially her Shadow Children series. This looks to be another great series, and I’m thinking she can probably do almost as many in this series as she did in that one. In this book, the main characters have been sent back in the past to try to fix the past where 2 of the orphans were pulled before they could be killed. The kids of course save the day, but it is interesting to learn about the past and mysterious killings of future kings. I will definitely recommend this series to kids at the bookstore as well as at school. I look forward to the 3rd book where they kids will go back in time to save another “orphan” and bring her back to her current family. I like how the book brings in the future with the time travel, and also relates back to the past, and the way current children live.
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