This is one in a sports series called Mike Lupica’s Comeback Kids. I read “The Big Field” by Mike Lupica for the Truman list just a short time ago. My main criticism of that was how technical the baseball talk was. In this one, it wasn’t quite as technical, and maybe that’s why it was a quicker read for me. A pretty good story, but kind of short. The main character is Nick, who is adopted. We learn about his past, how he came to be adopted, and how he came to love baseball and comic books. Nick is a really good catcher, getting ready for the JV season at his middle/junior high school. Before the season starts the catcher on the varsity team hurts his wrist and the coach comes and recruits Nick to fill in until his wrist injury heals. However, all of Nick’s talent seems to disappear in his nervousness at being part of the varsity team. Not to mention that he’s been slacking on his school work, and now his parents are starting to get on his case and possibly ban him from summer baseball. Of course there’s the big game at the end, this time with the school’s biggest rival, and Nick must do his best to help his team win. He also must come to term with feeling like he doesn’t fit in with his adoptive parents.
Next book is in the Suddenly Supernatural series by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel called School Spirit.
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